Other Pictures

(L.Holmes Collection)
In the late 1950's a K class on the slow upgrade to Shelley.

(L.Holmes Collection)
Again in the late 1950's, the "High" bridge between Darbyshire and Bullioh from the footplate of a K class.


Ganger's base at Bullioh, late 1970's.


Rail tractor stationed at Cudgewa, late 1970's.


Super loader improvised on an old wagon underframe at Huon, late 1970's.


Departmental wagons at Shelley, late 1970's.

Last Special Passenger - 26.5.1979 (All Photos T.Sedawie)

T413 was running a special passenger train to Shelley when it derailed in Tallangatta yard. As far as I am aware, this ceased tours, and indeed it is unlikely any other train ran beyond Tallangatta (excepting rail recovery).

In this photo, the flat wagons for the poles deposited earlier in the week by the special goods (see the mail for 20.5.1979), can also be seen in the yard. Their later removal may have been the last train on the branch.

Dn Special Goods - 20.5.1979 (All Photos T.Sedawie)

In what was probably one of the last operations on the branch, the Wodonga Pilot (Y154) ran a special train of flat wagons and work vans to pick up some poles from Tallangatta yard. Here the special is seen rolling through Ebden late in the day.

Skirting the Hume Weir near Huon.

Near Huon.

Shunting at Tallangatta.

Shunting at Tallangatta.
Shunting at Tallangatta.

Up Livestock Special - 25 November 1977 (All photos T.Sedawie)

A rare double headed train with T413 + T336, here crossing Boggy Ck trestle between Koetong and Darbyshire.

Crossing the so-called "Waterfall" trestle (named for the waterfall below it) between Darbyshire and Bullioh.

Releasing brakes at the base of the grade near Bullioh.

And rolling across the trestle just slightly closer to Bullioh.

Dn Special Passenger - 12.11.1977 (All Photos T.Sedawie)

T388 on a special. Photo run-by on Boggy Ck trestle between Koetong and Darbyshire.


Crossing Cudgewa Ck in The Needles.

Up Goods - 1 November 1977 (All photos T.Sedawie)

A departure from Wodonga around 3-4am for the Dn goods meant many photos in the later days of the branch are of the return (Up) trip which left Cudgewa around 9am. Here T413 starts out of Cudgewa for the trip back to Wodonga.

Through the popular photo spot between Cudgewa and Wabba.

Transiting the Needles.

Through Beetoomba.

Away from Beetoomba.

Entering Shelley yard - note Ganger is active - trolley and shed.



Leaving Shelley past the long Cattle siding.

Crossing Boggy Ck trestle between Koetong and Darbyshire.

Approaching the higher of the two Upper Murray Highway overbridges.

Over the other side heading for the small trestle in view, and the "Waterfall" trestle around the curve to the right.

Rolling through Bullioh.

Shunting at Tallangatta - note including picking up a P "Explosives" van.

Rolling through Huon.

Rumbling over the long Kiewa river trestle between Ebden and Bandiana.

Up Goods - 8 February 1977 (All photos T.Sedawie)

T413 on Up Goods crossing Cudgewa Ck in the Needles.

Rolling out of the Needles towards the Upper Murray Highway crossing at Berringama...

.....and again.

Through Beetoomba....

...and again.

Shunting at Shelley - GY in 3 Road.

Adding the GY to the train. Note workman's van in 2 Road Dn end and Super unloader on right.

Leaving Shelley (photo taken from Up Home Signal post).

Crossing Boggy Ck Bridge between Koetong and Darbyshire.

Passing under the upper of the two crossings of the Upper Murray Highway

About to cross under Upper Murray Highway lower crossing - note train speed allowed both photo locations to be reached (though they are quite close!)

Crossing the "High" bridge between Darbyshire and Bullioh.

Crossing the lower of the two bridges in this section - note the grade apparent in this view.

Near Old Tallangatta.

Crossing Sandy Creek bridge - note extra loading ex-Tallangatta.

Passing through Bonegilla.