Up Goods - 1 November 1977 (All photos T.Sedawie)

A departure from Wodonga around 3-4am for the Dn goods meant many photos in the later days of the branch are of the return (Up) trip which left Cudgewa around 9am. Here T413 starts out of Cudgewa for the trip back to Wodonga.

Through the popular photo spot between Cudgewa and Wabba.

Transiting the Needles.

Through Beetoomba.

Away from Beetoomba.

Entering Shelley yard - note Ganger is active - trolley and shed.



Leaving Shelley past the long Cattle siding.

Crossing Boggy Ck trestle between Koetong and Darbyshire.

Approaching the higher of the two Upper Murray Highway overbridges.

Over the other side heading for the small trestle in view, and the "Waterfall" trestle around the curve to the right.

Rolling through Bullioh.

Shunting at Tallangatta - note including picking up a P "Explosives" van.

Rolling through Huon.

Rumbling over the long Kiewa river trestle between Ebden and Bandiana.